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Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measuring Ranging Transducer Module

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹249.00.

  • Operating Voltage: DC 5V
  • Quiescent Current: 5mA
  • Total Current Work: 30mA
  • Acoustic Emission Frequency: 40khz
  • Farthest Distance: 4.5m
SKU: RS1764 Categories: ,

This ultrasonic sensor is very similar to the ultrasonic sensors which are found in cars. This Waterproof Ultrasonic Obstacle Sensor shows some important constructional advantages over the conventional sensors. It comes in two separate parts, one being the transducer which is the sensing element and the other being the control board. The module is capable of providing information of the objects between the distance range of 250 mm to 4500 mm. The great advantage of using this Waterproof Ultrasonic Obstacle Sensor is you can put the sensing element far away from all the control circuitry. This Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is an industrial-grade sensor to measure distance. Interfacing with it is the same as another cheap ultrasonic sensor, but it offers better performance and is compatible with harsher environments and is waterproof too! It can be easily interfaced with Arduino and Sample codes and projects are available. There are many ultrasonic distance sensors on the market, but sometimes, this kind of sensor needs to work in vulnerable conditions. This Waterproof Ultrasonic Obstacle Sensor meets this requirement. It has a good performance and almost the same usage of an HC-SR04 module. It is very easy to use, a control port with a 10US above high level can wait for high-level output at the receiving port. An output can drive the timer when this port is low can read the timer value, this time for the location of the time can be distance measurement. Constantly cycle tests that can achieve the measurement of the value of your mobile.

Ultrasonic Sensor Specification:

  • Operating Voltage: DC 5V
  • Quiescent Current: 5mA
  • Total Current Work: 30mA
  • Acoustic Emission Frequency: 40khz
  • Farthest Distance: 4.5 m

Ultrasonic Sensor Wiring:

  • +5V (positive power supply)
  • Trig (control side) RX
  • Echo (the receiver) TX
  • GND (negative)


  • Horizontal distance
  • Obstacle avoidance, automatic control
  • The object approaches, there is a perceived
  • Traffic control
  • Security, industrial control
  • Artificial intelligence, and research

Package Included:

1 x Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Measuring Ranging Transducer Module DC 5V Waterproof for Arduino



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Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measuring Ranging Transducer Module