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PWM To Voltage 0-100% To-10V Converter Module

Original price was: ₹260.00.Current price is: ₹230.00.

  • PWM To Voltage single-chip embedded technology
  • Easy to operate, can be fine-tuned by potentiometer
  • Select the PWM signal input level range through the short cap
  • The module is small, easy to carry and use
  • PWM signal input level range: The peak of 4.5V to 10V level. The short cap installs in ‘5V’. This level is used for the normal controllers or 5V MCU. Insert jumper in the inner side.
  • PWM signal input level range: The peak of 12V to 24V level, so inserted in 24V. The short cap installs in ‘24V’. This level is used for normal PLC controllers. Insert jumper in the outer side.
SKU: RS3141 Category:

PWM To Voltage Module can convert PWM digital signals into 0 to 10V analogue signals. This product can be used in the PLC or other industrial panel switch signal interface by adjusting the PWM duty ratios to adjust the output voltage. Module size is small, easy to apply in different places.

PWM To Voltage Specification:

  • Conversion Range: 0% -100% PWM to 0-10v voltage
  • PWM signal reception frequency range: 1KHz – 3KHz
  • Operating Voltage: 12V – 30V DC
  • Allowable Error: 5%

PWM To Voltage Features:

  • Using single-chip embedded technology
  • Easy to operate, can be fine-tuned by potentiometer
  • Select the PWM signal input level range through the short cap
  • The module is small, easy to carry and use
  • PWM signal input level range: The peak of 4.5V to 10V level. The short cap installs in ‘5V’. This level is used for the normal controllers or 5V MCU. Insert jumper in the inner side.
  • PWM signal input level range: The peak of 12V to 24V level, so inserted in 24V. The short cap installs in ‘24V’. This level is used for normal PLC controllers. Insert jumper in the outer side.


  • This product can be used in the PLC or other industrial panel switch signal interface by adjusting the PWM duty ratios to adjust the output voltage

Package Included:

1 x PWM to Voltage 0-100% to-10V Converter Module



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PWM To Voltage 0-100% To-10V Converter Module