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Ultimate Uno R3 Kit compatible with ARDUIN0 IDE

Original price was: ₹4999.00.Current price is: ₹3900.00.

  • Version 3.0 REES52 – Ultimate Uno R3 kit compatible with Arduino IDE
  • Note: The kit includes REES52 Uno R3 which is a compatible Uno R3 board. Kindly check the listing picture for details.
  • The user guide and Source code are to be downloaded using the link provided with the kit.
  • Skill level: Beginners to advanced level
  • Package includes Sensors, modules and components in Quad Store retail box. One kit for all your project needs
SKU: 85959090, B01F17CG3_0 Category:
  • Version 3.0 REES52 – Ultimate Uno R3 kit compatible with Arduino IDE
  • Note: The kit includes REES52 Uno R3 which is a compatible Uno R3 board. Kindly check the listing picture for details.
  • The user guide and Source code are to be downloaded using the link provided with the kit.
  • Skill level: Beginners to advanced level



  • Version 3.0 REES52 – Ultimate Uno R3 kit compatible with Arduino IDE
  • Note: The kit includes REES52 Uno R3 which is a compatible Uno R3 board. Kindly check the listing picture for details.
  • The user guide and Source code are to be downloaded using the link provided with the kit.
  • Skill level: Beginners to advanced level
  • Package includes Sensors, modules and components in Quad Store retail box. One kit for all your project needs.


  • 1 x Breadboard 830pt
  • 1 x Breadboard Supply
  • 5 x Tactile Push Button
  • 3 x Potentiometer
  • 1 x Resistor Pack
  • 1 x PIR
  • 1 x Male Header – Straight, Right Angle(L-Shape)
  • 1 x Water Pump Mini
  • 1 x 5V Relay
  • 1 x DC Toy Motor
  • 1 x IC 74HC595
  • 1 x Ultrasonic Holder
  • 2 x Transistor-PN2222
  • 2 x Photoresistor (LDR Sensor)
  • 4 x LEDs (Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow each)
  • 1 x DHT11 Module
  • 1 x ESP01
  • 1 x 7-Segment 4-Digit
  • 1 x 7-Segment 1-Digit
  • 2 x Active Buzzer
  • 2 x Passive Buzzer
  • 1 x L293D Motor Driver Shield
  • 1 x 65pcs Jumper Pins
  • 1 x Joystick Module
  • 1 x HC SR04 Ultrasonic
  • 1 x ULN2003 Driver
  • 1 x RTC – DS1302
  • 1 x 2 Channel 5v Relay Module
  • 1 x Stepper Motor(28BYJ48)
  • 1 x RGB
  • 1 x IR + Rec Remote Kit
  • 40 x M-M Jumper pins
  • 40 x F-F Jumper Pins
  • 40 x M-F Jumper Pins
  • 1 x SG90 Servo
  • 1 x 1602 i2c Display
  • 1 x 4×4 Keypad Membrane
  • 1 x L298N motor driver
  • 1 x RC522 RFID Module
  • 1 x TTP223B Touch Sensor
  • 1 x NPN SS8050 Transistor
  • 1 x Raindrop Sensor
  • 1 x Water Level Sensor
  • 2 x IR Sensor
  • 2 x Diode – 1N4001
  • 1 x Soil Moisture Sensor
  • 1 x 4*6 PCB
  • 1 x 2wd Chassis
  • 10 x Capacitor
  • 1 x HC-05
  • 1 x Tilt Switch
  • Box Packing


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Ultimate Uno R3 Kit compatible with ARDUIN0 IDE