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MPU9250 BMP280 Northbear 10DOF GY-91 Acceleration Gyroscope Compass Nine Shaft Sensor Module

Original price was: ₹1200.00.Current price is: ₹1069.00.

  • MPU9250 + BMP280 module
  • (Three-axis gyroscope + triaxial accelerometer + triaxial magnetic field + pressure)
  • Module Model: GY-91
  • Use Chip: MPU-9250 + BMP280
  • Power Supply: 3-5v (internal low dropout regulator)
  • Communication: standard IIC / SPI communications protocol
  • Chip 16bit AD converter, 16-bit data output
SKU: RS1125 Categories: ,

The module uses a combination of Single chip MPU-9250 with a built-in 3-axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer, Digital Compass and BMP280 improved barometric pressure sensor. The MPU-9250 is the company’s second generation 9-axis Motion Tracking device for smartphones, tablets, wearable sensors, and other consumer markets.

MPU9250 Specification:

  • MPU9250 + BMP280 module
  • (Three-axis gyroscope + triaxial accelerometer + triaxial magnetic field + pressure)
  • Module Model: GY-91
  • Use Chip: MPU-9250 + BMP280
  • Power Supply: 3-5v (internal low dropout regulator)
  • Communication: standard IIC / SPI communications protocol
  • Chip 16bit AD converter, 16-bit data output
  • Gyroscopes Range: ± 250 500 1000 2000 ° / s
  • Acceleration Range: ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16g
  • Field Range: ± 4800uT
  • Pressure Range: 300-1100hPa
  • Pitch: 2.54mm

Package Included:

1 x MPU9250 BMP280 Northbear 10DOF GY-91 Acceleration Gyroscope Compass Nine Shaft Sensor Module


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MPU9250 BMP280 Northbear 10DOF GY-91 Acceleration Gyroscope Compass Nine Shaft Sensor Module