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Arduino Upgraded Starter Kit With Soldering Accessories

Original price was: ₹5999.00.Current price is: ₹5085.00.

SKU: ADU001 Categories: , ,

Package Included:

Arduino Board with cable SMD1
Breadboard (big) 830 Point1
LCD screen 16*21
DHT11 sensor1
Jumpers F_F M-F M-M (30 pcs each)1
LED BIG (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow)20
Buzzer BIG2
Ultrasonic Sensor1
Chassis Set (2wd)1
Battery set rechargeable with charger1
Push Button1
7-segments (Single Digit)2
Switch SPST (Rocker Switch)1
Bluetooth Module (HC-05)1
LDR Sensor1
Soil moisture sensor1
Relay Module (5v 1 Channel)1
Water Pump Module1
Rainwater Sensor1
Reed Switch1
Laser Module1
IR Sensor2
Capacitor Touch Switch (TTP-223)1
Motor Driver (L293D)2
Servo SG-901
Potentiometer 10K1
Multimeter (830D)1
Resistors and Transistors (Kit)1
Soldering Set with wax (6 in 1)1
Glue gun1
Alligator clips5
LCD 12c Converter1
BO Motor with strap1
DC Motor1
LIFE battery with charger (18650)1
Berg Strips M5
Berg Strips F10
JST Connector M-F15
DPDT Switch1
6V cell holder with cap (4xAA)1
Micro Bit1
LM35 Temperature Sensor1
Tilt Switch1
Led Matrix Module (8*8)1
4 Digit Seven Segment1
IR Remote Kit1
74HC595 (IC)1
Potentiometer 10K1
Push Button (Tactile)5
LCD Display (16*2)1
Clock Module (DS1307)1
4X4 Keypad Matrix1


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Arduino Upgraded Starter Kit With Soldering Accessories