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7 Segment Led Display Common Anode

Original price was: ₹45.00.Current price is: ₹6.00.

  • Used for display purpose
  • Mostly used in development board
  • Breadboard friendly
  • LED Color: Red
SKU: LD002 Categories: ,

An LED or Light Emitting Diode, is a solid-state optical PN-junction diode which emits light energy in the form of photons when it is forward biased by a voltage allowing current to flow across its junction, and in Electronics we call this process electroluminescence. The actual color of the visible light emitted by an LED, ranging from blue to red to orange, is decided by the spectral wavelength of the emitted light which itself is dependent upon the mixture of the various impurities added to the semiconductor materials used to produce it. In general, common anode displays are more popular as many logic circuits can sink more current than they can source. Also note that a common cathode display is not a direct replacement in a circuit for a common anode display and vice versa, as it is the same as connecting the LEDs in reverse, and hence light emission will not take place.

7 Segment LED Display Features:

  • Used for display purpose
  • Mostly used in development board
  • Breadboard friendly
  • LED Color: Red


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7 Segment Led Display Common Anode